Top 6 Crazy Weight Loss Myths

Want to know the truth about weight loss and hear the ridiculous lies you've been told? Read on...
1) Myth: "You need a fast metabolism to lose weight"
The Truth: As people gain weight, their resting metabolic rate speeds up - therefore disproving this myth. This means that when you are bigger you need to eat more to sustain your weight. This means that your metabolism is sped up but won't mean that you're burning fat fast at all.

2) Myth: "Low fat products are great for losing weight"
The Truth: Foods you find in 'healthy ranges' in supermarkets or products marked with 'low fat' or 'fat free' labels don't mean that they are free from calories - in fact they are more likely to contain more calories because of the amount of extra flavourings and sugar added to them. If you really want something that is genuinely low fat, look at the label and make sure it has 3 grams or less fat per 100 grams.

3) Myth: "Being fat is genetic"
The Truth: Obesity is very rarely a genetic condition. You are more likely to inherit the bad lifestyle habits from your parents and guardians rather than actually being born with a gene that makes you fat. Being big isn't the only problem that you may face if you are overweight but high blood pressure and diabetes may also be a side effect of excess weight.

4) Myth: "Diets never work"
The Truth: Starving yourself doesn't work, and neither do fad diets which you will give up on after a few weeks. However, if you think about dieting, it is really just making healthy food and exercise choices. This type of diet works well because you are staying active and getting a balanced diet without overindulging and having more calories than your body can process.

5) Myth: "Frozen vegetables aren't as nutritious as fresh vegetables"
The Truth: 5 portions of fruit and veg a day is what you should aim for - regardless of whether it is frozen or fresh. Fresh fruit often tastes nicer, and raw veg is nice in salads. Frozen veggies have been proven to keep the nutrients locked in for longer - even during transit. However, boiling them can often results in many nutrients being lost - try steaming your vegetables instead!
6) Myth: "Pasta and bread make you fat"
The Truth: Although bread and pasta are high in carbohydrates, it is only over eating these

your intake instead. Also, rather than having white bread or pasta, switch to whole grains. You will also find that the foods you eat with these products can also be culprits when it comes to weight gain - don't blame the pasta and bread - it could well be the creamy pasta sauce that boosted your calories or the sugary jam on your toast. Try low fat spreads and tomato pasta sauce instead!
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, When I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to this link and check it out.

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