Getting max results on the hcg diet program

By Jon S Green

The safest and most successful diet over the past fifty years is easily the hCG injection diet. It is based on the combination of prescribed injections and low caloric intake, causing the body to undergo changes necessary for rapid weight loss. Many of the side effects of low calorie dieting are alleviated. The diet requires some adherence to strict guidelines. The following are some hints and tips to help ease your way.

Seek medical and professional guidance. This is the only way you will obtain the hCG injection, because the FDA does not allow it in any other form, and it must be prescribed by a physician. Another important consideration is to see a counselor or therapist, to evaluate you reason(s) for overeating. It could be a number of reasons, and you want to correct anything contrary to a healthy lifestyle.

Do not skip the loading days - The protocol calls for patients to start their morning injections, and then eat many foods that are high in fat the first two days. This is an important part of the process. Do not start on low calories during these loading days. This will help your body to prepare for the initial days of the diet. It will take the hCG about 3 days to start to become effective in helping you alleviate the symptom associated with the low calorie diet. Some people think they can get a quick start by dieting from the first day, which is a falsehood. Trust the process, and do not skip the loading days.

Write down your goal weight and keep a daily diary - Your diet is a very specific goal. Being specific will help to keep you focused, and will encourage you as you see the pounds drop off. In a way, a diary also helps you keep yourself accountable for your actions

Develop a routine. It is hard to imagine, but becoming obese was at least in part due to a regular routine of overeating, eating unhealthy and even being sedentary. So now the intent is to get you to center on good habits such as weighing yourself at the same time daily, eating your meals at the same time of day, and not eating anything within 3 hours before bedtime. All of these things are an effort to do the right thing the right way.

Drink lots of water. Water is the one thing your body needs to begin and perform all the processes necessary to lose weight. Think of drinking water as putting fuel in your diet engine. One should conservatively drink one half gallon of water every day. In addition, make sure your fire intake is around 30 grams daily. Water is necessary to process fiber. Good bowel function is necessary to lose weight.

Do not cheat. Take 500 calories a day. Do not cheat and eat more, and don't skimp and take less. Remember that this diet protocol has been perfected over the last 50 years, so its best not to mess with the chemistry. Also, do not get in a rut by eating the same meals day after day. This is a trap, which will make you bored with the diet when there is so much to choose. Be sure to use spices, the food does not need to be bland. Be vigilant to avoid sugar, so spice mixes may contain sugar.

Spice up your meals - Eating the same old meals day after day, will only lead to boredom, then cheating. Use plenty of spices when you cook, to ensure that meals are not bland. However, check the ingredients to make sure that the spice does not contain sugar. Find a good HCG recipe book and find some variety.

Avoid activities that encourage overeating. Never go shopping for groceries when hungry, plan your meals in advance, and try not to eat anything within 3 hours of bedtime. Assign one place as the eating-place, and all meals and snacks should be consumed there. Never drive or watch TV while eating.

Increase your level of activity. The object here is to prompt positive behavior that will serve you when you go back to a full calorie diet. Strenuous exercise is not the desired routine. The ideal approach would be a 30-minute walk each day. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. The object is to get you to strengthen muscles that you are not used to using, and to widen your perception of activity.

These tips should get you well on your way to success with the hCG weight loss injections. Some of them will help get you through the diet easier, and some of them will be great for an ongoing healthy lifestyle. One thing for sure, they will all help prepare you to become the "new you".

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