Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of almonds, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from almonds - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.
We consider almonds to be nuts, but in reality they are seeds from the fruit of the almond tree. However, similar to a peach pit that is found in the center of a peach, these seeds are encased in a shell in the fruit of the almond tree.
Covered by a hard shell, the meat of the almonds is off-white, with a thin, grooved, brown skin. That is the reason that we consider them to be nuts: they are chewy like nuts, have the same consistency as nuts, and they are good for you, too!
Almonds can be divided into a couple basic types. Almonds may be sweet or bitter. The ones we eat are the sweet almonds. These oval-shaped almonds are on the malleable side and have a buttery taste. They can be purchased with or without shells in the stores. Plus, you can buy almonds that are whole, slivered, sliced, blanched (with skins removed) or unblanched.
There are toxic substances in bitter almonds and they cannot be eaten. However, they undergo careful processing and are utilized in the production of almond oil.
Almond oil (almond extract) is utilized as a food flavoring; it is also used to make liqueurs like Amaretto. When almond oil is processed, all the toxins are removed.
It is possible to buy almonds throughout the year in grocery stores, health food stores and whole foods markets.
Fat Burning Benefits of Almonds
In addition to being delicious, almonds are quite beneficial to your health -- they can even help burn fat.
Almonds do have calories as well as fat, but it's the good fat -- the monounsaturated fat -- that reduces cholesterol and assists in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.
In addition to being a good source of dietary fiber, almonds are loaded with nutrients, including Vitamin E, manganese, potassium, magnesium, tryptophan, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus.
Almonds contain fiber that aids in shedding pounds and maintaining weight loss. This may be because the fiber in almonds helps satisfy you, making you feel fuller so you consume less. In addition, fiber helps digestion, provides energy, makes stools bulky, and speeds up the process of removing toxins from the body.
Tryptophan found in almonds also helps you feel full and satiated. Most likely, you will consume less at this meal as well in later meals.
Tryptophan causes serotonin to be released in the brain. This makes you feel good, assisting in controlling moods and fighting stress.
Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, is found in almonds. In addition to assisting in the lowering of cholesterol and providing cardiac protection, Vitamin E helps enhance circulation, promotes proper blood clotting and wound healing, relieves PMS and may shield women from developing some kinds of breast cancer.
Phosphorus is contained in almonds and it is required for the health, growth, development and repair of bones. Present in white blood cells, it also boosts sexual function, makes vital nutrients available to the nerves, and is critical for brain and muscle tissue. Phosphorus supplies energy, aids in protein digestion and sugar breakdown too.
Manganese provides energy by metabolizing fats, carbohydrate and protein. In addition, it keeps blood sugar levels stable and is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system as well as proper growth, development and repair of teeth and bones.
Almonds contain magnesium that boosts circulation and oxygen levels in the system. In addition, magnesium shields you from free radical damage, boosts energy, and assists in maintaining healthy bones, arteries and heart. Magnesium assists in the metabolization of fats, protein and carbohydrates; it also enhances digestion.
Potassium found in almonds decreases blood pressure, regulates water balance in cells, keeps muscles strong, and releases energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins during metabolism. In addition, potassium may assist in shielding you from becoming obese and developing cardiac problems, diabetes, and renal disease. It acts to keep your bowels moving and it rids your body of toxins. In addition, potassium relieves stress and reduces
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